“I am a diamond among the stars, I am liberty, I am ecstasy,” asserts Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) in his piece
L’Acte préalable (Prefactory Act). On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his death, the element of fire becomes the catalyst for a programme bringing together composers entranced and influenced by the famous Russian composer’s work.
Ivan Wyschnegradsky Méditation sur deux thèmes de la Journée de l’existence for Cello and Piano, Op. 7
Alexandre Scriabine Five Preludes, Op. 74
Bruce Mather Duo basso for Bass Flute and Bass Clarinet
Alexandre Scriabine « Vers la Flamme », Op. 72
Thierry Pécou Soleil-Tigre for Cello and Piano
Marc Patch « SILVER » (si l’verre) for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano
Thierry Pécou Soleil-Feu for Violin and Piano
Alexandre Scriabine Sonata No. 9, “Black Mass,” Op. 68
Rate 3: $36.97 / $31.75 / $19.57 (plus taxes)
11 CONCERTS: $253.75 (plus taxes), 30% discount on the regular price
6 TO 10 CONCERTS 25% discount on the regular price
Subscriptions by phone only: 514-285-2000, option 4